Monday, May 19, 2008


My pal Valarie pointed out that I only posted 5 things instead of 10......Sorry, I'm a little slow this morning. We had an....ummmmmm......eventful weekend.

Here's the other five
6. I Must watch Dancing with the Stars and Grey's Anatomy weekly.
7. I secretly would love to dance like the people on DWTS
8. I have a BA and MA in Social Work; one from Auburn and one from U of Alabama
9. I totally flip out if anyone even thinks about touching my don't want to see what happens if someone accidentally touches that area.
10. I come from a long line of enablers....i think this directly relates to the profession I have chosen......."do as I say, not as I do"

Thanks for keeping me straight Val!!!


Valarie Lea said...

Collarbone huh?? Hmmm very interesting. Not that I am gonna try it, but I might get someone else to, to see what torture awaits them. :0)

Crazy in Alabama said...

Let's just say you wouldn't want to encourage someone you like to do this. They may come away with a mangled hand.......I would hate to do this but it's simply a reflex, I can't control it. Rest assured that I will feel very guilty about my actions, but I am sure that this will not make the collar bone toucher feel any better.

Meg said...

I would like to dance with the DWTS people secret there!

Have a great evening!

Cheryl Wray said...

I think that's so funny that you have degrees from both Alabama and Auburn. As a Bama grad, I don't think I could do that. LOL

The collarbone? Very interesting.

Loved reading these facts about you! Fun!

j said...

My spot is the back of my ankle. I freak out when it is touched.
